Thursday, May 21, 2015

Training Session for Youth and the Underemployed

On June 3rd in the Relief Society Room at the Stake Center from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm, we are holding a meeting to concentrate on both job finding skills for both the underemployed and our young people. These skills apply to missionary work for both adults and for our youth.
The face to face communication skills required for our youth to obtain employment are exactly the skills needed to talk with people during a mission.
This meeting will teach both the underemployed and our youth how to confidently talk with a prospective employer (investigator) by presenting a short message explaining why they should meet with them. As part of the meeting our youth and our underemployed will learn how and where and from whom to obtain employment and/or summer jobs; and they will learn how to present themselves to a prospective employer (investigator) by an appropriate messaging procedure explaining  the skills and attributes or gospel message they possess.

This year the three stakes in Cedar Hills are partnering with the city to put on the Family Festival from June 1 to June 6. The stakes have cleared their calendars for that week so families can attend the events of the week. Each stake is asking one of their wards to provide volunteers to staff the events.  Manila 10th is the ward for volunteers from our stake for this year. Please look at the list of volunteer opportunities at this site and sign up if you are able:  Family Festival Volunteers