Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Week of November 2nd

         Nov. 13    Relief Society Dinner w/ program at 6:30  theme: "Are You Part Of The Inn Crowd Or Part Of The Stable Few"
                          If you have any of the following that we could use for decoration for the dinner, please contact Celeste Wright.
                          Nativities, White Christmas Lights, Lanterns, LED Candles for Lanterns

         Nov. 29    Empty Nesters (see below)

         Dec. 6      Ward Christmas Party (tentative date - more info. to follow)

Empty Nesters:
    What:  Empty Nesters
When:  Saturday, November 29th
Where:  Studio C, BYU Broadcasting Building
Event:   BYU Pre-Game Show, Televised away BYU-Cal Football Game, and Post-Game Show
RSVP:  Doug or Betty Jo:  801-830-1989 (Please let us know if you cannot keep your reservation.  Thank you.)

Welcome to Our Newest Sisters
         Kylee (Logan) Street
         8935 Pine Hollow Dr (bsmt)
         Kylee is a newlywed who moved here from Spanish Fork.  She is a softball coach for Weber State University.

        Sydney (David) Raynes
        8907 Cottage Canyon Dr.
        They have one son named Calvin who is 9 months old. Sydney is a teacher.  She teaches 2nd grade at Fox Hollow Elementary in Lehi. 


           Jodee Matsuda                Nov. 6
           Jaylin Rogers                  Nov. 8
           Rebecca Pedersen          Nov. 12
           Dorothy Clingo                Nov.13
           Katie Greenwood            Nov. 13
           Connie Paxman              Nov. 14

Single Adult Fireside:
There will be a special fireside for Single Adults Ages 46+ on November 9th at 7 PM.  The fireside will be held in the chapel located at 60 East 1600 North in Orem.  Brother Mark Miner featured in Mormon Messages will be the speaker.

Team 1  -  Come and receive your blessings from cleaning the chapel on Sat. Nov. 8 at 9 am. Burgess, Arndt, Bradford, Broderick, Brown (Adam), Doman, Hawkes, Hiatt, Livingston, Miner, Pedersen, Rogers, Schumacher, Taggart, Tracy

TFOT 4th Sunday Lesson Schedule -  

• November: Are We Not All Beggars? , Jeffrey R. Holland
• December: Ponder the Path of Thy Feet : Pres Monson
• January: Personal Responsibility: D. Todd Christofferson (Free Forever, to Act for Themselves ), Elder Jörg Klebingat ( Approaching the Throne of God with      Confidence ), Pres Uchtdorf ("Lord, is it I?")
• February: Make the Exercise of Faith Your First Priority : Richard G. Scott
• March: Sacrament: Sister Cheryl A. Esplin (The Sacrament—a Renewal for the Soul ), and James J. Hamala (The Sacrament and the Atonement)
• April: Continuing Revelation : Pres Eyring

Next Sunday's RS Lesson –  TFOT  #23 Individual Responsibilities

Notes from Sundays Lesson-  RS Presidency Message – Mindy Horne
From the recent Women’s Conference, Pres. Uchtdorf’s talk “Living the Gospel Joyfully”:
God sent you here to prepare for a future greater than anything you can imagine. The promised blessings of God to the faithful are glorious and inspiringBut how do we attain them?
The Savior has answered this question in our time:“Except ye abide my law ye cannot attain to this glory.“For strait is the gate, and narrow the way that leadeth unto the exaltation. …
For this reason, we speak of walking the path of discipleship.We speak of obedience to God’s commandments.We speak of living the gospel joyfully, with all our heart, might, mind, and soul.
And yet for some of us, obedience to God’s commandments doesn't always feel very joyful. Let’s face it: there may be some that seem harder or less appealing—commandments that we approach with the enthusiasm of a child sitting before a plate of healthy but hated vegetables. We grit our teeth and force ourselves to comply so that we can move on to more desirable activities.
Perhaps during times such as these, we might find ourselves asking, “Do we really need to obey all of God’s commandments?” I think God knows something we don’t—things that are beyond our capacity to comprehend! Our Father in Heaven is an eternal being whose experience, wisdom, and intelligence are infinitely greater than ours.4 Not only that, but He is also eternally loving, compassionate, and focused on one blessed goal: to bring to pass our immortality and eternal life. In other words, He not only knows what is best for you; He also anxiously wants you to choose what is best for you.

Part of our challenge is, I think, that we imagine that God has all of His blessings locked in a huge cloud up in heaven, refusing to give them to us unless we comply with some strict, paternalistic requirements He has set up. But the commandments aren't like that at all. In reality, Heavenly Father is constantly raining blessings upon us. It is our fear, doubt, and sin that, like an umbrella, block these blessings from reaching us. So we have a choice. On the one hand, there is the opinion of the world with its ever-changing theories and questionable motives. On the other hand, there is God’s word to His children—His eternal wisdom, His certain promises, and His loving instructions for returning to His presence in glory, love, and majesty.
The choice is yours! You are loved. You are dear to your heavenly parents. The infinite and eternal Creator of light and life knows you! He is mindful of you. Yes, God loves you this very day and always.
He is not waiting to love you until you have overcome your weaknesses and bad habits. He loves you today with a full understanding of your struggles. He is aware that you reach up to Him in heartfelt and hopeful prayer. He knows of the times you have held onto the fading light and believed—even in the midst of growing darkness. He knows of your sufferings. He knows of your remorse for the times you have fallen short or failed. And still He loves you.
From Linda K. Burton’s talk “Prepared in a Manner Which had Never Been Known”
The day Holly Hunsaker was born, her mother received a double delightful blessing.   Holly has a twin sister.  Holly (and her sister) were born in Port Jefferson, New York.  She grew up in American Fork with her 5 sisters and 4 brothers.  (Yup, that’s9 siblings!)
When asked who has inspired her, she says it’s her sister, her mother and the Savior.
“My twin, Kristi, always works hard, is happy and emulates Christ.  My mom is the same way.  Christ has inspired me the most.  Through His atonement, I can always have hope and overcome anything.”

Holly met her husband, Aaron, in the singles ward.  They live at 9253 Emerald Lake Cove.  Holly says the best part of the day is “coming home to my husband.”  Some family favorite meals she prepares are quinoa & sweet potato and fajitas.  What is their home decorated in?  She wrote, “wedding pictures.” One thing she has been especially grateful for lately?  “My husband.  He is so patient and kind and loving.”
Holly writes that her proudest or most accomplished moments were graduating from college and serving a mission.  She also says she’s an “expert” at school and emphasizes, “I LOVE learning.”
If Holly is ever feeling down, what music lifts her spirits and makes her heart sing?
“Church music.  No joke.”
Holly currently works for Veil and does asset protection for clients. (temporary)  She also works for Senuw, a health supplement company.  (long-term)
Holly’s hobbies include soccer, singing, piano and working out.  When asked about her favorite vacation, she says it was her mission to Tampa, Florida, Spanish-speaking.
If Holly had a day to herself, that ideal day would be:
“Sleep in, make a nice breakfast, cuddle with my husband, do stuff outside all day, watch movies, etc.”
More of Holly’s favorites:
Saying - “The Kingdom of God…or NOTHING.”
Food – cereal
Color – yellow
Restaurant – and type of Spanish food
Sport – soccer
Exercise – cardio
Holiday – Christmas
When asked if she collects anything, Holly writes:
“I don’t like collecting.  I have no trouble getting rid of things.  I do, however, love church books.”

When it comes to reading, Holly most enjoys the Book of Mormon or self-help books (psychology).
One special goal Holly would like to reach in her life:
“I would like to be more moderate and not react so much when hard things happen.”
How has visiting teaching blessed her life?
“I love getting to know new sisters in the ward.”
If Holly could have one wish?
“Everybody would know and embrace the gospel.”
Holly is a great addition to our ward.  Be sure to watch for her performance in a snappy little musical number at our next Relief Society meeting!  (She’s a firecracker!)

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Week of September 28th

         Oct. 4       General Conference

        Oct. 25     Stake RS Humanitarian Day at the A-Frame building across from the Stake Center 9-12noon.  Come and do some wonderful                                 Humanitarian projects as a stake. (see more info. below)

        Oct. 25     Ward Chili Cook-off at 6:30 pm at our church building 

         Nov. 13    Relief Society Dinner w/ program at 6:30  theme: "Are You Part Of The Inn Crowd Or Part Of The Stable Few"

New Sisters

Welcome to our two new sisters in the ward.

Chevia Nelson  - She and her family live in the Wynn's basement.  They have one daughter, Eloise (1).  Chevia enjoys dancing, sewing and quilting.  She is a dance instructor.
Kylee Street - Kylee and her husband live in Carol Brown's basement.  She is a newlywed.  Kylee is a softball coach at Weber State University.

Stake Humanitarian Project: 

Hello to all sisters in our Stake,
We will be having a Stake Humanitarian Project Open House on Saturday, October 25, 2014 held at the A-Frame building from 9 till Noon.  It will be a wonderful event for you to come and participate in. We will be doing the following projects:
200 Christmas stockings for service men and women.
Foam shapes used in all educational materials
ABC books used in homeless shelters and underfunded schools
Pinking shear dolls-cute!  Toys are always sent with disaster supplies
Small quilts-all hospitals need them
Pillowcases for the homeless shelters
If you would like to donate, the following items would be helpful:
1.       Quilt Batting
2.       Stuffing/fiberfill
3.       Fabric in 1 yard lengths.  (Given to a member of your RS Presidency to be delivered to Kay Johnson by October 10th). These will be prepared in advance and assembled as quilts for us to tie in our laps. 
4.       Items to fill stockings (we will purchase tissues, toothbrushes, toothpaste and lotion).  Items for donating: guitar picks, harmonica, yo-yo’s, socks, CD’s, DVD’s, games hand sanitizer, deodorant, wet ones, eye drops, sunglasses, shampoo and conditioner, calendar, disposable razors, small flashlight, sunscreen, AT&T calling cards, mechanical pencils, pens, dental floss, non-perishable food items (cookies, candy, gum, granola bars, hard candy, NO Chocolate!,  Also you can send toys for the troops to give to the  children, which will bring  smiles to both!) 
We would love you to bring your own sewing machines, sergers and scissors (labeled with your name so you don’t lose them)
**Just a wee side note:  We have a wonderful stake newsletter on  When you sign in choose the newsletter option and then choose the stake not the ward.  You will find wonderful information on it. 

Can’t wait to see you all there!
Megan Duckworth
Monette Lunt
Katie VanDyke
Barbara Murdoch

Merit Badge Counselors:  The scout leaders are looking for any brothers and sisters in the ward who are interested in becoming merit badge counselors. There is a shortage of counselors in the stake.  See the attached document for the merit badges that are available. You do not need to have a degree in a particular field to be a counselor. You just need to have some expertise and a willingness to work with 12-14 year old boys. For more information or to sign up contact Bro. Rose at or 408-835-3759.

Carol Brown                      Oct. 1
Nichole Edwards               Oct. 1
Lani Vinzant                      Oct. 1
Celeste Wright                  Oct. 2
Kathy Branin                     Oct. 4
Nesha Thomas                 Oct. 9
Stephanie Johnson          Oct. 10
Jessica Hayward             Oct. 16
Virginia Morgan               Oct. 22
Heidi Schmutz                 Oct. 25
Vollyeball: Volleyball started on Sept. 18. They will play each Thursday night at 9 pm at the stake center until November 6th and then there will be Regionals.  All interested sisters are encouraged to attend.

Team 4  -  Come and receive your blessings from cleaning the chapel on Sat. Oct. 4 at 9 am. Edwards (Jacob & Nichole), Gonzalez, Greenwood (Brandon & Katie), Hall, Hammer, Harris, Hayward, Hunter, Jacobson, Jones, Macnair, Mecham, Roberts, Thueson, Voeller, Warner (Logan & Lisa)

RS Lessons for the 4th Sundays (TFOT)
 October - Grateful In Any Circumstances - Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Next Sunday's RS Lesson –  JFS Lesson #20 Love and Concern For All Of Our Father's Children

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Week of September 14th

   Sept. 20    Beginning of an On-going Fireside: Marriage & Family Relations – 7pm
                       Our Church Bldg. – Refreshments

   Sept. 21    Ogden Temple Dedication – Sessions at 10am- 1pm – 4pm –
                       Stake Center – for 8 and older
                       Bring: 1-Ticket     2-Temple Recommend    3- White Handkerchief
    Sept. 26    Fabulous Friday – 4-9pm – If you didn't get signed up for something you can still attend the free classes that are being held that night.  Check them out on our blog.

    Sept. 27    General Women's Broadcast.   6- 8 pm  - Ages 8 and up

   Sept. 28    Fast Sunday

   Oct.    4    General Conference

   Oct. 25     Stake RS Humanitarian Day at the A-Frame building across from the Stake Center from 9-12noon.  Come and do some wonderful Humanitarian projects as a stake.

   Oct. 25     Ward Chili Cook-off at 6:30 pm at our church building 

Melissa Van Dam - Sept. 17
Marth Bradford - Sept. 19
Kelly Schumacher  - Sept. 20
Liz Soliai - Sept. 24
Susan Mithcell - Sept. 27
Jackie Hudgins - Sept. 27
Rachael Watson - Sep. 28

Volleyball: Volleyball is starting on Sept. 18 at  9 pm at the Stake Center.  They will play each Thursday night until November 6th and then there will be Regionals.  All interested sisters are encouraged to attend.

Team 2 -  Come and receive your blessings from cleaning the chapel on Sat. Sep. 20 at 9 am.  David Atkinson, Sherrie and Steve Atkinson,Babidge, Nick and Carol Brown, Sean and Annelise Brown, Ceraso, Drakulich, Draney , Fricke, Gardner, Luke, Mahaffey, Meldrum, Oliver, Schmutz, Walbom.

RS Lessons for the 4th Sundays (TFOT)

September - Bear Up Their Burdens With Ease - David A Bednar
October - Grateful In Any Circumstances - Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Next Sunday's RS Lesson –  Sept. 28 - TFOT Bear Up Their Burdens with Ease by David A. Bednar

Marriage and Family Relations Class  

Dear ward friends:

This Saturday evening from 7 - 8 pm in the cultural hall of our ward building we will have the first in a series of fireside discussions about ways that we can grow in our relationships, including our marriages and our parenting. Future discussions may include special guests and other topics relevant to your relationships. 

Elder Bednar has recently taught that revelation and inspiration is more likely to come to participants that have used their agency to prepare in certain ways for a meeting or discussion. As a Sunday School Presidency, and under the direction of the Bishop, we testify that you will receive guidance specific to your current experiences and the Holy Ghost will prompt you in specific ways that will bring greater joy in your most important relationships.

The focus of our discussion this Saturday will be based on impressions you have while pondering the documents - "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" and "For Time and All Eternity" a discourse on the roles of husbands and wives and fathers and mothers in families. Links are provided below.

Here are a few questions you might consider as you prepare for our discussion:
1. How planned, thoughtful and intentional are you in cultivating your friendship with your spouse (or other loved ones)?
2. When was the last time you had a conversation about one another's needs and desires?
3. As you read one or both of these articles, what has the Spirit whispered to you are your roles and what step(s) you might take to grow in some aspect?
4. Ponder what precisely is your potential. What does God want you to become? Think about some of the details of that becoming. Is there something you feel prompted to focus on today?

Here is the link to "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" delivered in the General Relief Society meeting on September 23, 1995, almost 20 years ago.

Here is the link to President Packer's discourse: "For Time and All Eternity" delivered in October Conference in 1993. You can also watch the video of his talk.

Look forward to being edified together,

Tim Zeidner

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Sunday 8/17/14 Lesson notes and announcements

A Note from our Stake President:
Earlier this week, President Livingston sent me the link to a talk recently
given by Sharon Eubank, director of Humanitarian Services and LDS
Charities. Along with the link, he also made this statement:
I wish that every woman I know would read this wonderful talk!

2014 CONFERENCE Sharon Eubank August 8, 2014 “This Is a Woman’s Church” I have got to compliment FAIR. One of the greatest kickbacks that I got from this invi...
Preview by Yahoo

In her address, Sister Eubank discusses the divine nature of women and
the important roles that we've been given.  She also suggests ways that
we might improve how we put this doctrine into practice. It does take
quite a bit of time to read or listen to the talk, but it is so worth it! 

An Eagle Project from Carson Moon: - DUE BY AUG.21st !!!
You may have received a flyer on your door about this project.  Carson
Moon is raising funds for his Eagle scout project which is a monument
that welcomes people to Cedar Hills. It will be placed on the northeast
corner of Canyon Rd. and Canyon Heights Dr.
To raise money he is offering Flag Kits which are made to stand at the
curb. Each kit includes a 7.5’ sturdy white flag pole with gold vinyl ball
on top, a 3’x5’ poly-cotton US flag, an epoxy-coated rebar post, 
flag attachment hardware, and list of holidays- so you will know when to
put the flag on your curb. Each flag kit is $28.
Contact: Carson Moon – 801-425-1312 email:
by Thursday, Aug. 21. He will deliver your flag kit by Aug. 23.                                                                                                 

A Service Project Request from DeAnna Hildebrandt in Texas;

I am wondering if the Manila 10th ward can help a family here in Odessa that lost everything in
a home fire.  They are not LDS - but are in a great deal of need.  A woman in our ward heard
about this and helped a young woman head a project of collecting donations (this will be her
YW good works project).  

They are having trouble collecting clothes and shoes for the older boys.  School starts next
week - so it would help if some items could be collected by the end of this week and mailed
here.  I could other collected items back with me after Rhett's wedding (September 4th).
     Odessa Family of 11 Lose Everything in a House Fire, Please Help Donate
     the Garcia family lost everything including their two dogs in a house fire. 
     With the mother battling cancer, no home insurance or a steady source of income, 
     the Garcia’s have a great need at this time. We are working with the family to help  
     gather items needed in order to help them through this tragedy. Anything you can offer is appreciated.
Items needed
o Hygiene products
o Gently used clothes and shoes (sizes below)
o School uniforms (khaki pants and navy polo’s, sizes below)
o School supplies
o Canned food
o Blankets and pillows
o Toys and books
o Suitcases to help carry belongings in (they currently only have trash bags)
Children range from age 1 to 16. Girl’s sizes are 18-24mo, 4t, 8, and 12. 
   Boy’s shirt sizes adult small, medium and large, pant sizes 30x32, 29x34, 29x32, 
   youth boy sizes are 5t and 2t.
The three older boys all wear size 8 ½ men’s shoes and the younger boys wear youth size 10 ½ and 8. 
Girl’s shoe sizes are women’s size 5 and 4, youth sizes 10 and 4.
Mom wears a size 16 or 18 and shoe size 7; dad wears an XL shirt, 34x32 pants and shoe size 10. Update
Sisters, please take a moment to log onto and update your personal information.
 (i.e. phone numbers, emails).  As you do your visiting teaching this
month, please remind the sisters you visit to do the same.

Thurs. Aug 21 -Ward House Kitchen Cleaning

Our ward has the opportunity to deep clean the kitchen in our church building on August 21 at
10 am. Please contact Valene Rose at 408-375-2275 if you are willing to help. It should take
about an hour.


   Sept. 7 – Fast Sunday
   Sept. 8 -  Empty Nesters @ Mahaffeys – 7pm -  Their Palmyra Experience
   Sept.14-  Regional Conference
   Sept. 21- Ogden Temple Dedication
   Sept. 26- Fabulous Friday – 4-9pm – sign up & money to Jenni Ohlund by Sept. 7
                      sign up on blog:
   Sept. 28- Fast Sunday
   Oct. 4 – General Conference               

Talitha Hudgins - Aug. 19
Sue Morgan - Aug. 26
Trudy Carter – Sept. 3
Michelle Dawson – Sept. 4
Christina McCullock – Sept. 4
Tasha Robins – Sept. 6
Candice Hanner – Sept. 9

 TEAM 6 -  Come and receive your blessings from cleaning the chapel on Sat. Aug. 23 at 9 am.
    McKinlay, Doug & Betty Jo                           McCullock, Christ & Christina
    Limon, Adam & Elisa                                    Michaelis, Aaron & Crystal
    Lyons, Jeff & Joanna                                     Mitchell, Rhett & Susan
    Lysy, Leslie                                                     Nettesheim, Pete & Amanda
    Maag, Troy & Annalisa                                  Warner, Ivan & Chell
    Matsuda, Gary & Jodee                                Wilkinson, Eric
    McCarty, Ken & Debbie                                Zeidner, Tim & Annalee

RS Lessons for the 4th Sundays (TFOT)

August - The Cost and Blessings of Discipleship - Jeffrey Holland
September - Bear Up Their Burdens With Ease - David A Bednar
October - Grateful In Any Circumstances - Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Next Sunday's RS Lesson –  TFOT : The Cost and Blessings
   of Discipleship – by Jeffrey R. Holland

HIGHLIGHTS OF SUNDAY'S LESSON -   Taught by Kelly Schumacher
R.S. Lesson Notes from Teachings of Presidents of the Church, Joseph F.Smith
Aug. 17th, Ch. 18 – Living by Every Word that Proceeds from the Mouth of God.

“I am seeking after my own salvation and I know that I can find it only in obedience to
the laws of the Lord in keeping the commandments, in performing works of righteousness,
following in the footsteps of our file leader, Jesus, the exemplar and head of all.”
Joseph F. Smith saw it as his duty to raise a warning voice when people begin to drift away.
Sometimes that speaking out made him unpopular in some circles. But, he wanted to be a
watchman on the tower to sound the warning call to those who could not see the approaching
  “The Lord has given to man a code of laws that we call the gospel. Due to the lack of
inspiration and spiritual guidance, men may differ in relation to these laws and their application.
but there can hardly be a dispute in regard to the fact that such laws do exist, and that all who
seek entrance into that kingdom are subject to them.
  Opposition helps us sometimes to make our testimonies stronger as we stand up for our beliefs.
Last conference told us that this persecution will get worse and we need to stand up and not
be afraid.  Sometimes this will even be in our own families.
Keeping the Commandments is an expression of our love for the Lord.
She recommended an Ensign article by Randall K. Bennett: in the March 2012 LIAHONA – 
Follow the Prophet.. He told a story of selling his wife’s engagement ring to buy food storage
after hearing the Prophet tell people to get their food storage. Their hard choices reflected their
love of the Lord and their commitment to follow the Prophet.
She referenced D&C 132:8 and D&C  88:36-39.
The world offers us the gifts of:  Fortune, Fame, Popularity, Beauty…etc.
The Lord offers us the gifts of: Knowledge, Comfort, Quickening of the Mind, A place in the
   kingdom of God, Immortality, Glory, eternal life, and Having the presence of the Father &
If we turn from the Lord’s commandments we cannot expect to receive his blessings.
Joseph F. Smith ends by saying: “I testify that the Lord has spoken in our day; that his message
is one of hope and joy and salvation; and I promise you that if you will walk in the light of
heaven, be true to your trust, and keep the commandments, you shall have peace and joy in
this life and eternal life to come.”